I can not believe that it snowed today. Granted it only lasted about 10 minutes, but still, snow?! I have lived in Utah my whole life, you would think that I like snow right? Wrong! People always ask if I ski or snowboard in the winter months. Sadly I do not. I would love to learn, but lets face the facts... I dance instead.
As a dancer, learning to ski or snowboard... not really high on my priority list, not to mention how extremely stupid I would be. People can say as much they want that certain things are not dangerous if you know what you are doing and you don't do anything crazy... I don't believe them. I am a mover, getting hurt and spending weeks or maybe even months not doing the thing I love, seems extremely ungrateful for the gift I have been given, not to mention it would drive me insane. So I play it safe...always. Not just in situations where physical danger is involved, but any type of danger.
Wow that was a very strange segway
"Mother Hen", someone once called me this. Did it offend me? Kind of, not too much, only a little. Why? I am not exactly sure. I think maybe because it insinuated that I don't know how to have fun, or that I like to keep other people from having fun or that I like to have control... over situations or people. I don't know? I get in a protective mood when I see these potentially dangerous situations. I blame my parents... I will forever be overly cautious because of them. It is how I was raised, but when I see my friends or family making decisions that in the future could eventually hurt them, I want to step in an save them from the fall. To that some may reply that falling is one of the ways of learning. Maybe it is... in some situations.
Maybe I just feel guilty about not stepping into situations in the past. I feel like I have to make up for them now... or maybe I see a pattern forming that I think I might be able to stop. Yet how do you help someone who won't listen. It is so frustrating.
To whom ever reads this entry, I am sorry. I have no idea why this all came out today, and to be honest I really didn't have anyone in mind when the words flowed from my fingers. I guess today was just a day of reflection for me. Point is, there are things I wish I would have done differently when I look back on my life, friends I wish I would have confronted before things went south. I don't know everything... in fact, when it comes to life and life experiences many people know more them me, but there is something inside of me that will always be protective of those I love... no matter what.
Oh my gosh! Corts! We have a Christmas tree and a wreath in our house! We have our piano all tuned and we sang Christmas songs around the piano last night! My house has got to be the best single house ever! You should come visit!!!! :)