Have you ever noticed that there are certain things that make you happy?
For me it is things like:
-Being with friends
-Sitting outside when the sun is shining
-Taking a drive with music blasting, not having to think about anything but the road ahead of me.
We all have a "happy list" that keeps us sane. Lately the one on the top of my list is music. There is just something about putting words to music that magnifies the feeling portrayed. If I had things my way, my life would be a musical. Where everyone would know the choreography, they would know the harmonies and words as well, and they wouldn't think I was some sort of freak when I randomly broke out into song in the middle of the street, or the hallway, or classroom, or hard test.
Wouldn't that be great! Ahh, sadly it is not possible. So for now I just have to dream about a world like that, and sing quietly to myself.
ha ha, I know exactly what you mean! I came to the same conclusion on my blog. There should be musicals in real life! :)